Ecole belge
Monogramme en bas à droite Huile sur toile Provenance: Private Collection, Belgium Exhibitions: Aalst Antwerp Buenos-Aires Brussels Ghent Lokeren Sint-Niklaas Temse Waasmunster Literature: BÉNÉZIT, Emmanuel, «Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers», nouv.éd.rev. et augm., sl, Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1966. DE SEYN, Eugène, «Dictionnaire biographique des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts en Belgique», Brussels, 1935. PAS, Wim & Greet, «ARTO: Biografische Lexicon Plastische Kunst in België», De Gulden Roos, Antwerp, 2000. PIRON, Paul, «Dictionnaire des artistes plasticiens de Belgique des XIXe et XXe siècles», Éditions Art in Belgium, Brussels, 2003. Artist Biography: Edmond Verstraeten was a luminist and pointillist painter of portraits and still lifes, but foremsot landscapes. Although he was a student of Jean Coosemans and received advice from Franz Courtens and Jean Rosseels, he was rather a self-thaught artist. He worked a lot in Tervueren and Genk (1890-1894), but mostly in the area of the Durme. He made his first important exhibition in 1894 that became very successful. He was invited at the exhibitions of 1904 and 1911 by the avant-garde group «La Libre Esthétique». He travelled to Russia in 1906 where he met with the famous writer L. Tolstoï. He remained a Realist painter who evolved, under the influence of his artistic friend Emile Claus, toward a more personal and powerful luminist colour use.
Cavaliers dans la forêt