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Technological Convergence. Dave Holt Dave Holt
Technological Convergence was inspired by meditating on the emergence of advanced ai artificial intelligence merging with humanity. I then blanked out my mind, as I do when I create art, and this is the result.

If you’re looking for a unique, interesting and captivating work of art that will draw people to it and start some major conversations, then this is the work for you. You can see more detailed pictures of Technological Convergence at

There are a lot of organic ai shapes I'm known for throughout this piece. This is one of my smaller works but it gets a good deal of attention, even next to larger pieces.

Technological Convergence is an excellent example of FutureTech Art and I believe a great future investment because of its uniqueness, future popularity and the scarcity of my art.
Technological Convergence
Oeuvres d'Artistes,  Peintures,  Acrylique
Auteur: Dave Holt
30.5 x  45.7 cm  /   12 x  18 in
Thèmes: Abstrait  /   Authenticité: Mis en vente par l’Artiste  /   Types d'Artistes: Artistes professionnels  /   Supports: Sur Bois  /  
Publié: 5 septembre, 2019 / Modifié: 1 octobre, 2019
Copyright Dave Holt

Technological Convergence
772 €  548 £  880 $ 
En vente
Dave Holt
Dave Holt
Artiste peintre 
Glendale, Etats-Unis
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