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New way. Bek Bekmade
No matter how complicated and confusing your life may seem, there is always the opportunity to fix it and start a better life.
Give up the old patterns of thinking.
Always look, ask yourself questions, and the subconscious mind will answer you, help, open the right doors.
Just look, there is always a new way.

I recommend placing the artwork in a glass frame.
If necessary, you can trim the edges as you like.
The artwork is painted (enamel) on pp material.
Has artificially created roughness, scuffs, scratches, bruises.
Before sending, I will leave a signature on the back.

Work is sold only through SaatchiArt
Instagram: bekmade.
New way
Oeuvres d'Artistes,  Peintures,  Composition Mixte
Auteur: Bek
47 x  68 cm  /   18.5 x  26.8 in
Poids 1 kg   /  2.2 lbs
Thèmes: Abstrait  /   Origines: Europe  /   Genres: Surréalisme  /   Caractéristiques: Signée  /   Authenticité: Mis en vente par l’Artiste  /   Types d'Artistes: Artistes professionnels  /   Supports: Sur Tissu  /   Teinte Photo: Noir et Blanc  /  
Publié: 21 juin, 2020 / Modifié: 21 juin, 2020
Copyright Bekmade

New way
877 €  623 £  1 000 $ 
En vente
Artiste sculpteur 
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