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Tethered Butterfly. Rina Ritzi Rina Ritzi
Artist's inspiration:

“The butterfly is a flying flower, The flower a tethered butterfly. ”
― Ponce Denis Écouchard Le Brun

“The Flight of Butterflies Iris is the most beautiful, tiny and delicate of Irises that I have ever seen. I see it as a tethered flower. Its petals move as if it could take flight any second. And how delightful and wondrous is this quote, to see the butterfly as a flying flower and to see the flower as a butterfly about to take flight; it makes me see flowers differently and with more wonder, and butterflies too! I really appreciate, as an adult, to be given a whimsical and new perspective. ”
Cheryl parker
Tethered Butterfly
Oeuvres d'Artistes,  Peintures,  Acrylique
Auteur: Rina Ritzi
120 x  85 cm  /   47.2 x  33.5 in
Poids 5 kg   /  11.02 lbs
Thèmes: Abstrait  /   Origines: Arts d'Afrique  /   Genres: Minimalisme  /   Caractéristiques: Signée  /   Authenticité: Mis en vente par l’Artiste  /   Types d'Artistes: Artistes professionnels  /   Supports: Sur Toile  /   Courant Artistique: Peinture Anglaise  /   Période: Contemporain  /  
Publié: 21 septembre, 2020 / Modifié: 11 mai, 2021
Copyright Rina Ritzi

Rina Ritzi
Rina Ritzi , 21 octobre
Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras
Marisol Usandegi
Membre Premium Marisol Usandegi , 21 octobre
Fantastica realizacion.
Tethered Butterfly
1 650 €  1 172 £  1 881 $ 
En vente
Rina Ritzi
Rina Ritzi
Artiste peintre 
Paarl, Afrique du Sud
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