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Cumulus Fluff. Rina Ritzi Rina Ritzi
Everytime Rina flies in an aircraft and she looks out of the window she thinks:
I wanna sit on a cloud
I wanna be surrounded by the white fluffy condensation
I wanna lean back and relax in a giant white sack
And let my worries drift away with the breeze
I wanna feel at ease sitting in this chair watching the sky floating on by
With my imagination and realization that
I wanna sit on a cloud
Rina loves the fact that Cumulus clouds can be associated with good or bad weather. She is also amazed that they are usually widely spaced in the sky, have a flat base and rounded tops and are more notably the cloud forms we, as children, associate with animals, rocket ships, boats, unicorns and dragons. They are the clouds that let her imaginations run wild.
Cumulus Fluff
Oeuvres d'Artistes,  Peintures,  Huile
Auteur: Rina Ritzi
100 x  4.5 x  100 cm  /   39.4 x  1.8 x  39.4 in
Poids 5 kg   /  11.02 lbs
Thèmes: Paysage  /   Origines: Arts d'Afrique  /   Genres: Abstrait  /   Caractéristiques: Signée  /   Authenticité: Mis en vente par l’Artiste  /   Types d'Artistes: Artistes de loisirs  /   Supports: Sur Toile  /   Courant Artistique: Peinture Anglaise  /   Période: Contemporain  /  
Publié: 2 janvier, 2021 / Modifié: 11 mai, 2021
Copyright Rina Ritzi

Cumulus Fluff
1 780 €  1 264 £  2 029 $ 
En vente
Rina Ritzi
Rina Ritzi
Artiste peintre 
Paarl, Afrique du Sud
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