Although relatively shy and difficult to understand, the kingfishers have intrigued mankind for centuries. They stand out with their eye-catching colours, agility and fishing techniques. Because many species fish underwater, they have membranes that cover their eyes to protect them during collision with water. In this painting, I have depicted a beautiful kingfisher bird resting on a tree branch by the river, perhaps looking out for its new prey. I painted this artwork in an impressionist realistic style on 100% cotton, acid-free, 300 g watercolor paper. Dimensions 36x26 cm. (14X10 inches).
Oeuvres d'Artistes, Peintures, Aquarelles
Auteur: Erkin Yılmaz
36 x 26 cm /
14.2 x 10.2 in
Poids 3 kg / 6.61 lbs
Thèmes: Animaux / Genres: Impressionnisme / Caractéristiques: Signée / Authenticité: Original / Types d'Artistes: Artistes de loisirs / Supports: Sur Papier / Période: Contemporain /