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Blue Moon. Emily Dewsnap Emyroo
Painting of a mystical woman of colour wearing a moonstone necklace in front of a blue moon. Moonstones spill from the pendant in a swirling spiral that follows the line of her beehive hairstyle getting exponentially larger as they reach towards the top of the moon. There is a grey moth flying towards the light behind her in its endless love dance with the reflection of sunlight that it can never reach.

A mystical piece, I wanted to create something that seemed as strange and rare as a blue moon. The moth represents longing and wonder, which I wanted to reflect in the subject's face too.
Blue Moon
Oeuvres d'Artistes,  Peintures,  Acrylique
Auteur: Emily Dewsnap
40.6 x  50.8 cm  /   16 x  20 in
Thèmes: Fantastique  /   Origines: Royaume-Uni  /   Genres: Réalisme  /   Authenticité: Mis en vente par l’Artiste  /   Types d'Artistes: Artistes de loisirs  /   Supports: Sur Toile  /   Période: Contemporain  /  
Publié: 17 août, 2021 / Modifié: 18 août, 2021
Copyright Emyroo

Marisol Usandegi
Membre Premium Marisol Usandegi , 14 juillet
Preciosa realizacion Fantástico.
Blue Moon
641 €  455 £  731 $ 
En vente
Artiste peintre 
Leeds, Royaume Uni
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