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Vincent Van Gogh Artist Oil Painting Canvas Signed Stamped Hand Handmade Vintage. Vincent Van Gogh Alvaro Ramirez
Vincent van gogh
Oil on canvas

15.5In X 23.5in / 40cm X 60cm

Hand signed. It is not a print or a lithograph, but an authentic oil on canvas. It was purchased second-hand through a farm. No coa.

Please note: In accordance with rules and regulations, since this is a painting attributed to a major artist and no formal documentation was found to accompany it, we must offer it for sale as an artist's copy. We do not accept returns. You will receive the painting according to the photo and description, nothing more and nothing less. It is sent with export certification from the Ministry of Culture of Peru, a necessary procedure to pass customs filters, for this reason the painting is sent 10 days after payment is made.

We offer quality paints. Please let us know if you are interested or need to see more photos!

All questions and doubts will be answered as soon as possible!

Shipping and handling by dhl express

America: $ 100 usd
Europe: $ 105 usd
Asia: $ 110 usd
Oceania: $ 110 usd
Vincent Van Gogh Artist Oil Painting Canvas Signed Stamped Hand Handmade Vintage
Art du XIXème et Ancien,  Peintures,  Huile
Auteur: Vincent Van Gogh
60 x  40 cm  /   23.6 x  15.7 in
Thèmes: Art  /   Genres: Impressionnisme  /   Caractéristiques: Signée  /   Authenticité: Inconnu  /   Supports: Sur Toile  /   Courant Artistique: École Hollandaise  /   Période: XIXème  /  
Publié: 9 décembre, 2022 / Modifié: 9 décembre, 2022
Copyright Alvaro Ramirez

Vincent Van Gogh Artist Oil Painting Canvas Signed Stamped Hand Handmade Vintage
114 €  81 £  130 $ 
En vente
Alvaro Ramirez
Alvaro Ramirez
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